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There are lots of different types of interviews that you will encounter in your time as a job seeker.
The most common, and most commonly expected, are the phone interview and the face-to-face interview. Many job seekers don’t anticipate group interviews where they may be in a room with their competition. A group interview is a lot like an audition and needs to be approached differently than any other type of meeting.
4 Good Interview Tips on How to Succeed in a Group Interview
Dress comfortably but professionally.
Unlike a typical face-to-face interview, a group interview might involve a lot of standing or walking. You want to stay professional, but you may choose to wear comfortable shoes over heels. You may wish to skip the tie for a classic button down shirt so you don’t feel too hot or confined. Always make sure your clothes are neat, clean, and in good repair.
Don’t avoid the other applicants.
Yes, the other people who are part of your group interview experience are your competition, but they are also a bit of a test. The employer is going to see how everyone interacts and this will be a big part of understanding your social and networking skills. If you treat other applicants poorly they will have concerns about the way you’ll treat your coworkers or customers.
Keep your answers brief and on point.
There will be a lot of information to cover in a short period of time. The interviewer, or interviewers, will be asking the same questions to all of the applicants. You don’t want to be the person who takes a half an hour to answer. Keep your answers brief and only related to the question asked. This will help you stand out as someone who can assess a situation and respond appropriately.
Be prepared to be thrown a curve ball.
The interviewers will also want to test the applicants by asking questions that may be out of the ordinary. These might be nonsense questions like, “If you were a car, what kind of car would you be.” It is up to each applicant to not seem take off guard by these questions and answer them appropriately.
Address everyone, not just the speaker.
Lastly, when you’re in a group interview situation not only will there be other applicants present but also multiple representatives from the company. When you’re answering a question, be sure to address everyone in the room rather than just the speaker. This is a clear indicator of professionalism and leadership skills, qualities that most companies are looking for in their candidates.
Managing your workforce begins with hiring the best employees. If you’re seeing a constant flow of candidates who struggle in group interview situations, consider sharing this resource with them. Additionally, if you’re looking for the best employees, consider partnering with Anserteam Workforce Solutions. With streamlined staffing across North America and local service, the only ANSER is Anserteam.