Talent Acquisition

The people you need when it’s people you need.

The way a team plays as a whole determines its success. You may have the greatest bunch of individual stars in the world, but if they don’t play together, the club won’t be worth a dime.

Babe Ruth

Our Total Talent Solutions program helps you unlock the hidden potential in your workforce.

Whether you’re looking for contingent, contract-to-permanent or permanent hires, Anserteam’s talent acquisition solutions can help your HR and procurement teams find and retain top talent while saving time, money and resources.

Get Top Talent!

Streamline Your Hiring Process

Anserteam has the expertise and robust network to recruit high-caliber direct hire placements. We work with your team to develop a comprehensive and Talent Acquisition Strategy that will save time and money.

Improve time
to hire

We’ve seen up to a 76% reduction in time to fill orders.

Increase in
talent quality

Good people are hard to find, but we’ve found it’s an investment that always pays off in the long run.

recruitment costs

Let us weed through the resumes and vet candidates so your teams can stay focused on productivity.

Contingent and Contract-to-Permanent staffing

We understand it’s about more than just “Human Capital” – it’s about having the right people in the right place at the right time for maximum success.

  • Potential candidate pools
  • Real-time evaluations

Direct and Executive Hire

High quality talent is hard to find and even harder to retain.  Anserteam can help you find the right fit, and implement programs to keep them around.

  • Project-based recruitment for short timeframes
  • Executive hires for long-term placements that count

Independent Contractor (IC) Compliance

With more and more workers preferring the flexibility of Independent Contracting, the compliance landscape is confusing and ever-changing.  Anserteam’s compliance experts can screen and vet recruits to classify correctly as 1099 or IC, and manage the entire contract lifecycle.

  • Avoid misclassification flags from the IRS or other state and federal agencies
  • Streamline the procurement and payment process

Not sure if a Talent Acquisition Solution is right for you? Contact our experts!

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